Monday, May 21, 2007

eLearning@Summerland - keeping ahead of the rest

I'm looking at how can we keep ahead of (or even at least up with) eLearning integration in learning and teaching at Summerland. Are we doing the same old stuff we've always done? How can we continue to ensure we are moving ahead? Are we being innovative in our approach to integrating eLearning tools or are we trying to fit them into our traditional teaching programmes?

These are all questions that have been swimming around in my head for quite a while. A part of being ahead of the game s ensuring that we continue to deliver quality PD to staff in this area. I would love this PD to come in a form that is fun, something people look forward to and hopefully take back some new ideas to try in a classroom. It needs to be something that does not add pressure but hopefully just ideas.

We have some great software out there, but are we using what we've got to it's potential?? Have we got too much software available and do we need to take some away so we make the most of what we have before introducing new software?

Just ideas, tell me your thoughts on how we can inspire, motivate and encourage staff to be innovative, creative and collaborative with eLearning tools?

What difference could we make in term 3?


pirate said...

assemblies used to be a great time for showing excellence in ICT work - where has that gone?
How about staff sharing elearning at staff meetings?
Staff need inspiration to see 'what else is out there' - where do we as leaders in ICt and elearning in our school get inspiration to bigger and better things with the euipment we have?
Sharing and showing are great forms of inspiration within school but we also need the 'experts' to be enthused with new and exciting ideas to keep our energy and interest up rather than rehashing what we have been doing for ages.
Just thoughts......

qwertyu said...

i want to see and learn art rage, really well and id like to have the power of the application used.. i want to mix skills from artist/janet with IT skills of teachers and powerful teaching ideas and outcomes. if i see another f....n template or stamp in kid pix im gonna spew.
this is powerful software sitting there doing nothing.

as a team we need to learn this together and get iot nailed..
then spread the word

Summersarah said...

We need to ensure we teach kids specific skills. I have worked with kids in Kid Pix and they have not used one stamp or background. Incredible artworks have been created because the time was spent to go thru the tools with the kids and how to use them correctly, just as would have been done had it been maths, reading, writing....Next steps would be to go to something like art rage as this is a higher level art product. And Yes I am fussy on what they do, just as I would be with a narrative, a real painting, maths problem, project.

I would like to see a set of specific skills put in place for kids entering school as 5 year olds that when in NE/Yr 1 we work hard to help kids develop these skills, also using teacher aid or parent support in class. This is something we could develop as a team. This would then mean hopefully as kids come up thru the school they can transfer these base skills to other apps etc...

In terms of inspiration for ideas personally I get this from talking, debating, discussing ideas with people (both at school and colleagues I respect from other schools), the endless amount of ideas on the web and also from my own tutu time I have when I'm at home on my computer. I don't think we need to learn new software, I think we need to continue to explore how students can really use what we have in more powerful ways.

SO it looks like we need to meet and perhaps focus in on a couple of things:
1: skills that are a necessity for kids to use eLearning equipment successfully
2: extending ideas and new ideas for integrating the app's we already have in meaningful ways